Category Archive: WEALTH

A PROUD Podcast with Matthew Broomhead

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What are you focusing on?

I was quite late to discovering Radio 4’s Desert Island Disks. There are a considerable amount of episodes that cover a plethora of interesting individuals. Some memorable discussions include Malcolm Gladwell, Sir Ken Robinson, Murray Walker and Bill Frankland MBE (a British immunologist whose achievements include the popularisation of the pollen count and he continued …

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Quality (Lunch) time

To keep things simple let us say that the average European person lives for 80 years and therefore that equates to about 4000 weeks. For some of us this my seem loads of time, while others may wonder “how am I going to achieve everything I wanted to in such a short period of time?” …

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7 Lessons to grow a Successful Business

I recently had the pleasure of attending a few one day business seminars where a number of aspects of business were discussed. I don’t know if you will agree that it is so important to be constantly absorbing intelligent, ethical and proactive advice from experts in their field. By attending events it is not just …

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Uncomfortably comfortable

I have written previously about us “becoming more comfortable with being uncomfortable”. In a nut shell this is the idea of expanding our comfort zone and trying new things. Even though the wording is similar the meaning of this idea is different. You know how we sometimes hear a story or a key message a …

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“I will do it in 3 months when…”

You know how we all seem to have plans that in three months time when things are less busy, then we will get around to doing that “important project”? The project we know will make a significant difference to improving our career and relationships. The project that will enable us to have more time in …

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There are no straight lines in Nature

I was walking in a local arboretum and while explaining something to my 15 month old daughter the blinking obvious occurred to me. Around the edge of the park was a row of trees that must have been there for at least a generation and I was saying that the straight tree line would have …

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Just a book?

Who is John Galt? In this Article I want to write about a lady born in St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 2, 1905. The information comes from various sources. At age six, she taught herself to read. At the age of nine, she decided what her career was going to be. In 1917 she was …

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Quick, but Quality Quotes

Earl Shoaff was a millionaire that mentored the great Jim Rohn in his early career. I believe these are some of his sayings which I have divided into three areas; Wealth, Wisdom and Well-being. Can I suggest you read each one a few times until you get a new thought or a different feeling? The …

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Should we stay or should we go?

You may or may not agree with some or all of this article, but I hope that you will be voting on Thursday as it is an important issue that should not be decided just by those with narrow minded extreme views but have the impetus to vote. While the apathetic majority sit by and …

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Why we are scared of Creativity in Business

There are quite a few ideas that I share in this article so would it be ok if you stick with it and maybe re-read it the following day to see which parts resonant with you at this time of your career… In the privileged part of the world where we live, our job in the …

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Why vote?

Please remember to vote today whatever your political persuasion. It may not seem it, but it is a privilege. Something that we take for granted. However, not that long ago many of us wouldn’t have been allowed. Others died so that we could spend a few minutes putting a cross on a piece of paper.

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Completely Cold about Cold Calling

An unexpected email I was sent an email from a recruitment company for Business Development roles in High Profile Firms. It was completely out the blue, I’d not really given direct permission to email me and it wasn’t something I was interested in. I would describe it as a “cold calling” email. What I found …

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“WHY” : A Poem about Purpose

Having a WHY is the most important part of any business or organisation. Without a reason and purpose to exist most organisations find it difficult to Market and attract the right people to work within their teams. However, for many of us finding Your WHY is incredibly hard. We know What we do and How …

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Will a Robot take my job? Broomhead Business Channel explores the answer

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Are you ready to make You and Your organisation PROUD?

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What is Broomhead Business Channel? Whiteboard animation video

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10 Simple Session Steps for busy Mentors

You may know that I am on a mission to increase the level of Business Skills in Birmingham’s Professional and Financial Services. Most people understand that an important aspect of every professional’s development is Mentoring. Whether that is as a Mentee or a Mentor. There are a variety of benefits for both parties. My career …

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