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5 of 10 : Public Speaking – They don’t create enough emotion.

Mistakes & Observations Public Speakers make at Corporate Conferences
(and how to avoid them) cont… part 5 of 10

There’s an old saying that emotion creates motion. We don’t really make decisions logically they are usually absorbed into our minds and bodies through emotion.

In a corporate environment this has to be appropriate. But if it’s too formal, shiny and missing a heart, then the change required won’t stay with the listeners.

Remember that as the speaker if you feel the emotion, whether it is confident, relaxed or excited then the audience are more likely to feel it too. Lead the audience.

Matthew Broomhead

Permanent link to this article: http://www.matthewbroomhead.co.uk/5-of-10-public-speaking-they-dont-create-enough-emotion/