Quick, but Quality Quotes

Quick but Quality Quotes image by Matthew Broomhead

Earl Shoaff was a millionaire that mentored the great Jim Rohn in his early career. I believe these are some of his sayings which I have divided into three areas; Wealth, Wisdom and Well-being.

Can I suggest you read each one a few times until you get a new thought or a different feeling? The simplicity could be deceptive to many of us. It is a bit like a fine dining dessert, where the plate is fairly sparse of food, but when you take each bite it is dense with flavours. Even though there’s only a sentence or two, they encapsulate so much wisdom. I could fill a skill session on each sentence, but have decided not to comment in this post as they say more than enough.

• Wealth

“Profits are better than wages.”

“It doesn’t cost too much, the truth is, you can’t afford it!”

“This is not all the company pays…it’s all they pay YOU!”

• Wisdom

“Don’t trust your memory, keep a journal.”

“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”
“Nothing comes to us, everything comes through us from us. Everything in this world that happens to us comes from in here, not out here.”

“Let’s not be moons, the reflector of the light. Let’s be suns. Let’s be the creator of the light – the creator of ideas. We all have the capacity.”

“The true mark of greatness is not found in what a person does with their own life. It is found in helping others discover that, they too, can become great.”

• Well-being

A lot of us neglect this area of health for various reasons and I couldn’t comment on Earl without mentioning the obvious that even though he mastered in many areas of his life, he died at a relatively young age. So we might want to consider consciously progressing in ALL three areas of Wealth, Wisdom and a Well-being.

Enjoy your day.

Matthew Broomhead
“Raising the level of Business Skills in Britain”
Creator of Broomhead Business Channel

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