I hope you have found the information on this web site valuable and if you think it would benefit you to speak with me, here’s what to do:
Please feel free to contact me about:
Questions about services: I’ll get right back to you.
Testimonials and results: Let me know what’s working!
Ideas and resources: I’m happy to hear from you.
Suggestions for improvement: About anything.
Please don’t send me emails if you fall into the categories below:
Students: I do not provide free coaching.
Business “Opportunities”: I am not interested as I am involved in the best one in the world!
Web-site optimization services: No thanks.
Link Exchanges: Please contact someone else.
Spam and Privacy Policy below.
Feel free to complete this form and then click on the Send button when ready to send. Remember, I am not able to provide coaching feedback, resources or referrals unless you are already a client.
Privacy and Spam Policy
When you contact me with this form you will not be added to an email list of any kind. Nor will your name be shared or sold to anyone for any reason. I’m using a form instead of an email link because unfortunately people may take my email address off the web site and add it to their spam list. Therefore you will not find my direct email link anywhere on this site.