Introduction to 10 Mistakes & Observations Public Speakers make at Corporate Conferences (and how to avoid them)

How persuasive is your public speaking?

Do people take proactive action after you have spoken?

Is your audience regularly sitting on the edge of their seats?

Do you always get the response you expect from your audience?

You know how some public speakers at Conferences are engaging; their audiences laugh at their jokes and give them a standing ovation when they finish? While other public speakers seem to pace up and down, look awkward and get a weak response from their audience? There is an old saying “what is the difference that makes the difference?”

Despite public speaking being more fearful than death, most corporate public speakers will do the basics of planning and practicing their talks. However, there are advanced techniques that most audiences probably won’t notice consciously if they are included. But they will definitely notice if they are not included. They probably couldn’t verbalise why the talk lacked impact, but they will say “it was good, but…”.

Influence is everything. Leadership is influence.

As personal development skills should be integral to all organisations, I am trusting that you will have the self-confidence to take on board the ideas in this Article and consider them with an open mind. We all want our presentations to be the best we can deliver, so the suggestions enclosed will probably be reminders of obvious things to avoid or be aware of, and at the same time I am confident that there will be some insights that you may not have considered.

Why should you use your time to consider my ideas?

I was inspired to write this Article and share my expertise after attending a number of large conferences. As a qualified CIPD trainer and former Vice-President of Birmingham International Speakers Club I have developed an eclectic speaking coaching skill set. As well as personally giving talks independently within Professional and Financial Services.

There is no particular order to the ten points. There are more than this, but I have reduced it down to the ten most prevalent. I will post them separately in my blog as the total content was nearly 3000 words. Some points are over 500 words while others are very short, but all are extremely important.

What are the 10 mistakes and solutions addressed in this series?

1. Poor audience response due to not having a clear ending to their talk

2. They don’t practice their hand gestures to add depth to their message

3. The magic of 3 : How to make it easier for people to remember the message

4. Talk too much about what it means for them and not benefits to the audience

5. They don’t create enough emotion

6. The audience are slow to react because they are asked the wrong questions

7. They don’t use influencing language to link their message to everyday tasks

8. They don’t create an “hook” to get the audience on the edge of their seats

9. Not all speakers appreciate the power of Stories

10. The speaker paces up and down like a caged animal

Therefore if you want to know the mistakes people might inadvertently make when speaking at a large conference/corporate event then keep an eye out for the next posts or get in contact today.

Helping you become even better.

Matthew Broomhead

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