
Have you ever wondered why some people in professional and financial services seem to effortlessly get people to agree with them, while other people despite having an excellent idea never seem to be understood? 

This is part four of the P.R.O.U.D. core business skills and based on my “Make you and your organisation P.R.O.U.D.” ebook guide that I wrote in 2016. 

This was recorded in early June 2020 and we were all in the depths of the COVID-19 crisis. Obviously it affected how we did business, but all the principles apply. 

In this P.R.O.U.D. podcast we explore the “U” – which stands for UNDERSTANDING (influencing).

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You can find out more about Matthew Broomhead and read his blog at

Written & edited by: Matthew Broomhead
Music: Matthew Broomhead : pre-2008 (using Roland 303) & 2020 (using GarageBand)