Blog Archive

31: Six ideas to help a successful start-up business.

This short podcast was recorded in November 2020 and England had gone into a second full-lockdown, so we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. With growing unemployment a serious concern, some people would be considering to start their own business. So Matthew Broomhead shares six ideas that he learned from successful entrepreneurs, while attending …

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30: 7 Questions to always ask after your presentation

Seven questions to always ask yourself, after you have given a presentation.   This short podcast with Matthew Broomhead was recorded at the end of October 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. So “presentations” were via video conferencing software. Whether you are presenting on a webinar or if when you listen …

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29: When is a book, not just a book?

A novel that took 10 years to write, by a lady that escaped her country of birth, might have some interesting lessons to learn. Why is this novel written by a controversial lady one of my favourites? In this short podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores a novel first published over 60 years ago. It was …

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28: How do I identify talent for my organisation?

With a plethora of people pouring into the market place. How do leaders identify talent? In this short podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores examples of where talent was missed and some simple ideas for identifying talent. It was recorded in October 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this …

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27: An Environment of Excellence

What is an environment of excellence? Should we create our own environment of excellence? In this short podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores some ideas around this area of professional development. It was recorded in October 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to …

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26: Three Elements of a Fulfilling Career

What are the three elements of a fulfilling career? In this short podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores some simple ideas around Skills, Enthusiasm and Need. It was recorded in early October 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share with those you …

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25: What is a Brand?

What is a Brand? More importantly, what is your Brand? In this short podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores some simple ideas around Brand. It was recorded in late September 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share with those you care about. …

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24: There are no straight lines in nature.

For the few people that take the time to set Goal Outcomes for their careers, then why do some think that life is linear? This podcast episode was recorded in September 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share with those you …

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23: I don’t have time

You know how most people would prefer if their careers were more fulfilling. Well, would it be ok if I share a little insight into getting more of what you want? I will give you a clue. The answer is 168. This podcast episode was recorded in September 2020 and we were still dealing with …

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22: How to identify organisational challenges

How can senior leaders more quickly identify organisational challenges? In this short podcast episode, Matthew Broomhead shares a simple and useful idea he learned and adapted for helping consultants and leaders to identify and categorise three distinct challenges within an organisation.   It was recorded at the start of September 2020 and we were still …

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21: What is one of the most worrying words in the economy?

I will give you a clue. The word begins with “R”. This podcast episode was recorded at the end of August 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share with those you care about. If you have not already, then subscribe now, …

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20: “If only I had more self-belief…”

We do not require more self-belief as we all have that. What we need is to change the actual beliefs we have about the perceptions of ourselves. This podcast episode was recorded in August 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share …

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19: 7 Crucial Elements of Giving Effective Feedback

Have you ever had a time when someone has come up to you and said “I want to give you some feedback”? How did you feel about it? Was is an enhancing experience or something else? This podcast episode was recorded in August 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Obviously it …

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18: Is it Right to Write? Part 3

As we all know, writing enables us to distinguish ourselves within our marketplace and be seen as an experienced professional or even an expert. This podcast episode is the third and final of a series with Matthew Broomhead and he shares some ideas of how to make it easier. This was recorded in August 2020 …

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17: Is it right to write? Part 2 (How to make writing easier)

As we all know, writing enables us to distinguish ourselves within our marketplace and be seen as an experienced professional or even an expert. This podcast episode is the second of a series of three with Matthew Broomhead exploring the importance for a Professional to write and sharing some ideas of how to make it …

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16: Is it right to write? Part 1 (How to make writing easier)

Is it right to write? As we all know, writing enables us to distinguish ourselves within our marketplace and be seen as an experienced professional or even an expert. This podcast episode is the first of a series of three with Matthew Broomhead exploring the importance for a Professional to write and sharing some ideas …

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15: Why Leaders should make themselves redundant.

In this podcast episode Matthew Broomhead explores ten elements to why Leaders should actively look to make themselves redundant. This was recorded in mid July 2020 and we were in still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Obviously it affected how we did things, but the principles in this podcast still apply.  If you liked this …

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14: Why Soft Skills are Hard

Why are soft skills actually hard? This was recorded in mid July 2020 and we were still dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Obviously it affected how we did things, but the principles in this podcast still apply.  If you liked this podcast episode, then feel free to share with those you care about. If you …

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13: Why most People never achieve their Potential

Not every student that starts University, graduates. Not every runner finishes the marathon. I read that in some fitness clubs [pre-COVID19] only 29% of members were still classed as “Active” after six months. We all know of hard working people with the best intentions to complete something, sadly let stuff get in the way. So …

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12: We don’t need more confidence. We need to manage our fear.

Have you ever had a time when you have heard someone say “I wish I had the confidence…”? If we had more confidence then what would we do differently? Who is the person we would become? Do we really need “more confidence” or something else? This episode was recorded in late June 2020 and we …

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