PEOPLE I work with

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How persuasive is your public speaking?

Does your team take action after you’ve spoken to them?

Are you in a Leadership position, but no one seems to be following?


There is an old saying that there are two types of people in the world, those that make things happen and those that wonder “what happened?”

As we all know “Leaders are Learners” and I work with people in both Professional and Financial Services that have high standards and are prepared to be committed to their learning and development. As well as improving their own careers they also realise the benefit of making a difference in the lives of other people around them.

As a Leader, if you were able to clarify your outcomes and mission of whom you serve. If you were developing Leaders within your organisation to influence others, have valuable networks and present the organisations mission in a compelling way, then is that something you would want?

If it is, then let’s arrange a 20 minute conversation together..

Please be aware that I can only be successful with clients who are willing to be responsible for working towards their success as well. Clients that are more successful, have:

  • High standards of excellence.
  • Know you can’t know everything, and they are willing to get assistance and expand their knowledge.
  • Like to be challenged and try things from different approaches.

On the next page you can read the Problems my clients typically encounter and see if they resonate with you.

If you are in a hurry and want to start developing your career now, then you can request a copy of the free 36 page PDF eBook that explores all five fundamentals of P.R.O.U.D. You will also receive regular updates and video links to help you to develop these skills. Just click on “MESSAGE Matt” in the menu and enter your details into the contact form and click send.


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